I've always used over/over until the bar started to fall out of my hands, then switched to over/under. When training submaximally, I always use over/over.
I never use straps, the only assist I use is chalk, so over over I would drop the weight for sure. 365 is hard to barehand, but damn it works the forearms
anybody remember that study that was done where the subjects only trained one half of their body..and the other half also grew (thought not quite as much)? makes me think that the 'imbalance' between using one or the other would be miniscule
Great signature Jeremy. lol I agree about "rolling out" but to explain, I think that the force you exert when pulling off the floor may "roll" the bar towards you with an over over grip. Just from your hands opening up a little bit from the initial pull. You don`t get that with O/U.
Well at least MY hands are barely holding the bar towards the end of my set (with just 4 fingers), but it still feels safe. My weights are`nt too high yet.
I use the over/over grip too with straps, I find that over/under uses different muscles in either side of the arms, I dont like that.
It also feels a uncomfortable for me trying to do that. I have no problems pushing close to 400 over/over with straps, and my forearms usually blow out around there too, so its win win IMO.