I've always done deadlifts with an over/over grip, however 99% of the people I see doing them using an over/under grip. Just curiuos as to why people use that grip...perhaps it provides for a better grip on the bar?
For me I just feel more comfortable with the over/over grip.
I would say that it provides a way to hold the bar when the weight gets really heavy as it can't roll out of your grip. I'm just starting to incorporate deads and I'm using an over/over grip as I don't want to mess up my biceps (the over/under grip apparently can do this).
I really think this is a personal preference thing. I don't know about you, but when I'm going for a max, and I don't want to drop the bar, I'll hold it any way I think I can get the job done.
I don' tthink you can possibly hold high weights in an over over grip. Your grip will give out LONG before your legs and back with an over over grip. (Unless you are using straps... which I am really against for deadlifts.)
Personaly, I use straps, so grip strength isn't that important....I know I know...drop the straps, however if I do my grip will fail FAR before my back would.
Personaly, I use straps, so grip strength isn't that important....I know I know...drop the straps, however if I do my grip will fail FAR before my back would.