Hmmm.....some pro's do use d-bol BUT you REALLY have to be careful with the dosing ...just like with test. D-bol is very androgenic , just like test and tren, so VERY low doses sound be used if you are going to use this roid.
I would use no more than 2.5 mg twice per day and even that may cause problems over 10- 12 weeks of use. You will also notice some bloat with this steroid. Also, don't use it for longer than 6 weeks without getting your liver enzymes checked as it is 17aa and heavily metabolized by the liver(unlike 17aa anavar) You might have no liver issues at 5mg per day even if used for 12 weeks due to the low dose.
The weak androgens like primo, nandrolone, winstrol and anavar are really all that a women needs though as they are very ananbolic and have far less androgenic effetcs. I know a national level competitor that NEVER uses d-bol, test or tren and she is quite large and very strong. She doesn't even like EQ which is much less androgenic than d-bol.
With the recent positive lab testing results from Denkall and Leoffler I see no reason for a women that is not a national level competitor to take anything besides anavar at 10-20mg per day....... Why expose yourself to powerful androgens when you don't need to?
But if you don't mind a dropped voice tone and a little facial hair growth then d-bol at 10-20 mg per day would put a lot of beef on a women as d-bol is probably the very best muscle builder out there mg for mg.
In my opinion anavar is the best steroid for women. At 10-20 mg per day in divided doses it is very good and has very little androgenic sides at this dose. I used to think it was nandrolone phenylprop(fast acting and CLEARING deca) but I have changed my mind. Nandrolone Phenylprop is still a good choice though at 50-75mg per week... in three injections per week . Primo is great for women at 50-100mg per week in two or three injections per week but it is almost always deca or test in todays market so it's out. Winstrol in low dose at 50mg IM per week in three injections or 10-15mg per day orally is another decent choice.