Bro you know I love you but you're being a gotdam idiot. That fuckn hor would still be slobbing that prius fgts dick if it was up to her. She would have never told you if he hadn't said shit and you fuckin know it, no matter what you lie and tell yourself.
She hasn't given a fuck about your or your marriage for 4 years and god knows how much longer or how many others there would be if prius fgt didn't tell you. She would NEVER have told you. Period.
Get the fuck out of there while you can. Don't stay for the kids, you aren't married to them and they aren't married to her. I got full custody of my daughter and her hoar mother gets to fuck off while I live happy with someone who actually gives a shit about me.
Stop listening to that jackass fuckin theRapist who tells you it's normal to cheat. It's not. It's normal to have enough nuts to bring up your problems with the person you have them with and either resolve them or move on.
Bringing another person into the relationship should be totally out of the question.
Fuck that nasty cheating bitch, you KNOW deep down she would have kept it up if it weren't for prius fgt getting his wife preg and moving on.
Call that fucker and ask him what motivated him to tell you. I can almost promise you'll get a different story than the hoar is telling.
Oh, btw, beat his prius fgt ass for dicking your wife down and more importantly for driving a prius.