Sebass67 said:
Thanks a lot...i am going to basically make my program centered around being explosive and getting my bench up...i don;t think they will trip over eachother which is good.
Can you give me a split of what you are doing or did on the program...just to get some groundwork idea of how to do it...?
A tad complicated to list out, because I train pretty instinctively, every workout is different and changes, but here are the general guidelines. Here is what I did the previous month, but I've made some changes, so it's different now
I'm experimenting with the dynamic boxsquats, high bar style.
See if they help.
I have a basic structure and plan, but there are some things left to instinct and how I feel during the session. But they always fall under the general rules of each week.
Cycles follow a 3 week loading with the 4th deloading in tonnage. And then a reverse ramp of volume to a new PR 4 weeks later.
Week 1 - light volume
week 2- med
week 3 - heavy
week 4- deload - Minor 3RM PR etc
week 5 - very heavy
week 6 - heavy
week 7 - medium
week 8 - Light - Deload
week 9 - PR.
Each week is like this
day 1 - oly lifts, lower body, core
day 2- upper body
day 3- rest
day 4- oly lifts, lower body 2, core
day 5- upperbody 2
day 6- rest
day 7- rest
Although I have upper and lower body days, these are just general groupings, there is quite a bit of spillover between the 2 days, with whole body lifts and so forth.
As far as my exercise selction goes - nothing is set in stone. I rotate exercises quite frequently - mainly assitant lifts, but there are core lifts that always get done.
Day 1 - jump squats, olylifts, full oly squat, single leg work, posterior chain work and abs. Sometimes pulls or rack pulls.
Day 2 - dips, dumbell rows, benchpress, trap, delt and rotary cuff work
day 4 - olylifts, highbar dynamic box squat, sumo speed deadlifts, posterior chain work, abs - sometimes jumping box squats, pulls/rack pulls.
day 5 - overhead press/push press, power rack chins, plyo supported rows, arm work
everything is moved in an accelerative manner. Some thing have a 1 sec eccentric, others are free falled down.
Trying to list the sets/reps/ rest periods is not feasable because it changes every session. But generally speaking I keep reps in the major compound moves like squats and bench around 1-3, 3 being the most common, regardless of load.
Assitant lifts like reverse hypers, back extensions etc are higher in tthe 8-12 range. Other stuff like chins, rows and dips are in sets of 5. Although their speed sets are in sets of 3.
Rest can vary from 1min to 5mins.
I will either have speed sets before or after the heavier works sets of around 70-75%. I do go heavier every so often and do a few singles at 90% after the main worksets have been done. Or do a few doubles at 80-85%, again after the main work sets at 40-60% and 70-75% have been done.
I go for a new 3x3 PR on the 4th week.
But only for the full squat.
For the full squat for example I may do, 6x2 with weight going from 40-60% over the course of the 6 sets, then jump up to 75% and do 6x2.
Or I may do this - week1 70% 6x3, week2 70%+5lbs 7x3, week3 70%+10lbs 8x3, week4 3x3PR followed by a few lighter speed sets etc. Basicly playing around with the volume, with rate of force percentage style training while waving the weight. I sometimes train the bench like this, but change grip width slightly from set to set. But mostly around shoulderwidth
Other exercises, I'll do the heavier sets of 5 with a moderate weight, and then drop down to a 50% weight do some the speed sets or plyo ballistic sets, and these feel like a feather after the heavier sets. This doesn't seem to work with squats so I do the lighter sets first.
I also tend to do a full squat jump, vertical or horizontal jump on the lower body day either before each set or after. Fires up the neural system.
The last 4 weeks are where I strap in the bands. Either as full range heavy tension style for the lighter stuff, or top half only in the heavier sets to change the stimulus
There are so many ways to play it. But that will give you an idea.