concordsize said:
they are the exact same thing bro.
Someone might recognize where this came from. I put it in a profile sheet I made for myself. This is why I wasn't sure if one would be better then the other.
Since Fina is the acetate form of trenbolone, its effect lasts only a short time and frequent administration is necessary. Most athletes inject I ml (30 mg) every second day. Higher dosages such as, for example, 30 mg/day or 60 mg every two days, however, were not unusual since an enormous strength gain and also a strong but still high-quality muscle gain was obtained.
Fina does not aromatize since its substance is not changed into estrogens. In combination with Winstrol it has a dramatic effect on the body's appearance. To achieve a gigantic strength gain bodybuilders used to combine 30 mg Fina every 1-2 days and 50 mg Winstrol Depot every 1-2 days (also known as Strombaject) during preparation for a competition and the buildup phase. No other combination gives the athlete such an incredible hardness and such a defined muscle gain.
Fina was also part of probably the most effective stack for mass buildup. Together with Dianabol or Anadrol 50, and testosterone, "Fina" builds up strength and mass in record time. Another way of administration which is far less dangerous, can be prepared as follows: the ground pellets are mixed with a mixture of 50% water and 50% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). Then the mixture is put on the skin and allowed to soak in. Dimethyl sulfoxide is used to transport the substance through the skin. Using this method approximately 40 mg of the substance can get into the blood without much harm.