New member
cityhick said:Hi guys. Been gone a while. New job and all keeps me busy. As well as my girlfriend . training is still going well. Doing more compound powerlifting workouts due to lack of time. Still getting a good 4-5 days a week. Diet slacking due to work. The more I become comforatble at the new job the easier it will be. Gotta balance my shit out right now and carrer comes before play. Wish I had more time.
CK lookin sexy as hell.
HIdin good job on recovery
MM... I know your killin it.
Thank you!!! I am glad you are working through things, I suppose carring a 4 liter jug around work isn't an option anymore. try to precook everything the night before to bring it to work (or have your girlfriend help ;o)) I always pack hubbies lunch, granted he has to bring 15 tupperware containers but then it is all there.