Look at them cuts in your calves girl! The bi's, your BACK looks friggin awesome!!! Nice trap & OVERALL great development going on ... Keep up the great work .. 3 kids with that stomach? or was it 4?
Updated Pics. As of June 1, 2006. Enjoy. Criticism is welcome. Thanks alot for reading the log, ill update my routine for the day little later, like i said above i had a great day lifting.
Updated Pics. As of June 1, 2006. Enjoy. Criticism is welcome. Thanks alot for reading the log, ill update my routine for the day little later, like i said above i had a great day lifting.
Wow, I'm impressed, MM. I can't remember your pics before, but I'm particularly impressed by your shoulders & back.
Overall I think you look pretty good, but if you did want to improve, I'd say, your legs, lats, & bis/tris.
ck, all I can say is WOW! You look amazing.
You are setting an example for all of us to try to match. :genuflects in ck's direction: Way to go!
BTW, I love your back too. And your thighs. And your arms. And your abs. etc, etc, etc.
ck, all I can say is WOW! You look amazing.
You are setting an example for all of us to try to match. :genuflects in ck's direction: Way to go!
BTW, I love your back too. And your thighs. And your arms. And your abs. etc, etc, etc.