Well if I have a punch bag I'll start off light to warm up then go through individual techniques, then combinations. I usually concentrate on what I use most and stuff crap at. I'll also work on switching from hands to legs and back again. Balance as well of course.
Even without a bag I'll do pretty much the same but work more on kicking combos and switching from hands to legs & vice versa. If I can get someone to hold hook and jab pads for me I'll do some combos on there as well.
Tbh there's so many different things I can do to train techniques I could write a whole essay in it. Specific strengthening comes into play as well like shadow boxing with dumbells in my hands or heavy boots on...
The only real constant when I'm technique training is I don't get too out of breath so I can concentrate in form, it's not like when I just blast the bag for fitness.
Thats what I wanted to see that your doing fast but slow as well. The slow precise work will make you faster IMO. I mean very slow and highly detail orinted. Perfect actualization of what it" should be" that your doing.
So it sounds like your on track bro.
Yeah I do slow stuff like switching the light in and off with my foot, slow kicks full range of motion low, mid, high.. It improves technique, balance and control Even slow foot work has its place to an extent, you gotta make your movement around the ring as natural as walking- (that's some proper shoalin shit right there )