I used to drink black coffee pre work out , and it used to give me a huge boost of energy, but lately I don't feel
it anymore, should I increase my intake to 3 cups? or my body isn't responding to caffeine anymore? thank you.
maybe instead of getting more addicted to something, you should taper it off ?
just a logical thought from stevie today lol
i would hope one day you can actually lift with just some water.. thats it. i don't need food, nor do i need caffeine to workout. that is because i learned how to do it. i'm sure our ancestors for millions of years would prepare for hunts by being motivated by hunger, not by sitting around drinking folgers
I used to drink black coffee pre work out , and it used to give me a huge boost of energy, but lately I don't feel
it anymore, should I increase my intake to 3 cups? or my body isn't responding to caffeine anymore? thank you.