**they help build your lats yes. in time they will grow to the 'wing appearance' but doing wide chins doesn;t cause outer growth only.
I just prefer to get a better lat workout by putting my biceps in their strongest position. if they ain't then they give out before my lats are sufficiently stimulated. It's like short changing yourself.
understand my point?
I'm not saying don;t do wide grip chins, i'm just pointing out why i don't.
I used to stay away form wide grip pulldowns because I was so weak in that excercise, but now I'll throw it in from time to time for variety. Like most people I can move much more weight efficently when my grip is neutral and closer together.
Actually Robboe, they do work the lats a little differently. It's a little thing called range of motion. It changes when going from a wide grip to a close grip. But, hey, don't believe me....look it up.