OMG, honey, I don't care if they've got laser sighting to line it up and protect everything else with freaking kevlar, NOBODY is jabbing a needle through any of that flesh and that is the god's honest truth*MissFit* said:thye use a thing to make sure the important stuff doesnt get in the way
It's the "ooogie" factor, you know. Everyone has their thing that is, "ummm, no, not gonna do that," (what the entire show Fear Factor is based on), I've given birth all natural, (heck, I live with daily chronic pain), I'll clean up shit and piss and vomit (I've had children and cats, its axiomatic ), I've bandaged wounds, pulled loose teeth ... but there are some piercings that just make my toes curl (and I say that without criticism, I want that emphasized; what I'm saying is that ain't NO way I could do that myself -- okay, LOTS and LOTS of money).
A girl bagged my groceries last week, had a piercing at her cheekbone and another across the nape of her neck. I wanted to stare ... I wanted to say ... how, why ... I think piercings are one of those things that you either "get" or don't. I pretty much fall into the "don't" category, and I don't think it's because I'm a little older, it's just me.