Taking clen, and t3 and doing atkins while having no heavy lifting plan with a goal of losing 7 pounds a week.... is extremely dangerous and short sighted.
You didn't put your body in the position it is in now overnight and you can't expect to rectify the situation overnight.
People who put off the weight, keep off the weight for life, and ever achieve anything close to a chiseled look 10 times out of 10 did so using a slow and steady approach that allowed their body to acclimate to the changes it was experiencing as it was being experienced while increasing physical activity as the body adapted and allowed.
Let's say, just for kicks, that you are 250 pounds, 25% body fat. I know u mentioned u were somewhere around that figure pre-injury. That means you have 62.5 pounds of bodyfat. If you lost 62.5 pounds at 7 pounds per week,which is impossible but lets just say since that is your goal, you'd be at 187.5. Do you know what your bodyfat will be at 187.5? Approximately 25%.
Do you know how long you will stay there once u get off the chemicals, get off atkins, and with no consistent lifestyle clean diet in place that you've already proven to yourself you can follow? About a week.
U better put some money in a high yield savings account too because the potential for loose skin is tremendous and nearly guaranteed.
I'm not trying to knock you bro, I'm just trying to knock some sense into you. The way you're talking in your posts, I promise you, will not achieve your medium term goal of a chiseled look.
If you injured yourself doing heavy weightlifting, by going too heavy too fast, the reason is simple: You went too heavy too fast. You ignored form and probably suffered a little from the "peer pressure" effect of wanting to lift as much as the other guys in the gym. Take it slow. Get your form down. Progressively add weight to the bar, don't just throw 10-20 pounds more on the bar because last week was easy. Use a spotter. Strengthen your core. Stretch. Do a couple bar only or bodyweight warm up sets when applicable.
There is nothing wrong with losing 1-2 pounds a week. In fact there is everything right with losing 1-2 pounds a week. If losing 1-2 pounds a week, preventing a heart attack, preventing diabetes, preventing heart disease, being able to breath when u walk up stairs, adding 10-20 years onto your life expectancy so you can see the next generations grow up.... If these aren't all reasons to keep you from getting "bored", I don't know what is.