this is the first time i ever checked out the chick section of elite. here is my question. i have done aas for years. i am hangin out with a chick that has worked out for years and eats perfect. her body is smokin, but has loose skin on her stomach from a couple kids. she want to do a couple cycles to see if anything other than surgery will tighten her skin. her ab muscles are pretty hard already. Advice? this is a little out of my expertise
this is the first time i ever checked out the chick section of elite. here is my question. i have done aas for years. i am hangin out with a chick that has worked out for years and eats perfect. her body is smokin, but has loose skin on her stomach from a couple kids. she want to do a couple cycles to see if anything other than surgery will tighten her skin. her ab muscles are pretty hard already. Advice? this is a little out of my expertise