The only other thing that I would say about #4 is that I could see them do that because of the massive differences between the two places. Entitlements in the US or Canada or Europe are not quite the same as the ones in places like China, the Phillipines, or Nepal. There is no social net there. Unless the direction is to let those people die, they require a baseline.
However, as always, is that the fear will be "what is the baseline"? For example, I think that in the first world, they have alot more then the baseline covered in the social programs (based on my brother's previous career as a social worker).
Again, I really like the "Everything Is Obvious" book for a means to solve this problem rather the scream out "fuck libs" or "fuck cons" solutions. The intent would be to find local representations of populations and try different things and recognize that a solution that works for one town might work for a similar town but not all of China.