of course im spot on, i dont get this many women by accident you kno
ive also worked at becoming congruent with being this type of sexual creature for a long, long time, and im finally really good/comfy at it, and my rep is spreading and acting like a screen - girls hear about what kind of guy i am, decide if htey like it, and some come chasing after exactly what im offering. its good

superdave: what do you think would have happened if you answered her question with a question, and maybe toned it down a bit so that it wasnt so insulting ("youre not very emotionally stable" = a tad insulting). maybe something like "how comfy are you in your own skin?" (which confuses them and throws the issue back onto them, so that they start qualifying themselves to you and really chasing what you have to offer...even though all youre offering is sex and they dont even really want that. or dont know that they do.) or even going playful like "date? mmmm ill think about it. first, you should take me shopping. and get me some flowers, too. and a present...something pink. and sparkly. yeah."
"youre not very emotionally stable". LOL smooooooooth