I agree!!! Just find a spotter or do DB's. I couldn't press shit so I went ahead and started doing DB's instead because it was easier to drop when failure arises. The smith machine is really not a good machine for various reasons. The good lord brought up one reason, but doing DB's or BB's you are using your stablizer muscles as well. If you think you are doing great on the Smith one day and you decide to go ahead and try the same wieght on the BB it will not be pretty.
Also, make sure you have a spotter before starting the set. I saw a guy the other night benching 95lbs and I thought cool, he has to start somewhere. He didn't have a spotter. Anyway, he failed and sat there with the bar on his chest struglling for a few seconds before people started rushing over to help him out. Well, a girl got there 1st and pretty much curled it off of him. Pretty embarassing when everyone in the gym see it happen. With a spotter noone really sees it.