incline benchpress didn't do much for me, HOWEVER incline dumbell press (25-35 degree angle) and low incline fly (15-25 degree) DOES.
Keep the reps pretty low and add a few dropsets/breakdowns (i like to to just one drop, lowering the weight to 60 percent) and assisted forced reps using a spotter.. E.G:
Flat benchpress or Decline benchpress (alternate every 4 weeks)
- 5 reps + 2 forced reps
- 3 reps + 2 forced reps + breakdown 6 reps + 2 forced reps
Incline dumbell press
- 6 reps + 2 forced reps
- 4 reps + 2 forced reps + breakdown 6 reps + 2 forced reps
low incline dumbell flye
(keep elbows more bent than textbook flye to use more weight)
- 8 reps , followed immediately by dips until failure
- 6 reps , followed immediately by dips until failure
finishing the upper chest:
2 sets of 10-8 reps partial pullover supersetted with wide stance pushups
2 sets of 10-8 cable scoops supersetted with wide stance pushups