Well like Irish and Arioch said, it varies with the individual. However, you should try to split it up evenly over the entire day, so this is how i look at it:
If you need at least one gram per pound, and i think you are right around 200 lbs, then if you eat 6 times daily (which is 12 hours of eating in one day if you eat two hours apart like you said), then try to get at least 29-30 grams of protein per meal. But, Irish also pointed out that BBers sometimes take in more than 2 grams per pound of bodyweight. I think this is excessive due to money and simply that there isn't evidence that taking more than one gram per pound is beneficial (to strength). Usually the more protein you incorporate and proportionally less carbs you take in, the more you slim down.
Personally, I eat about 200-210 grams per day and I weigh 151 lbs as of 2 hours ago. I usually try to get at least this, but I don't cry about it if i go overboard or don't make it. I just try to keep pretty consistent. I eat about 6 times a day (meals, not snacks like little debbies), and so i get around 30-35 per meal. Usually i take in more toward bed time and less in the morning, and vice versa with the carbs.
As for the carbs, you can eat as many as you want after you get the protein you need. Though, going overboard on sugars and refined shit will tend to add fat and cause energy level peaks and valleys.
I forgot to mention, post workout nutrition is different all together. It isn't AS big of a deal for some powerlifters (with all the scientific whey and dextrose), but i still incorporate a good post workout meal into my diet. An excellent article you should read on this is posted on Par Deus' site. Here is the link:
Go to the archive of articles or whatever and select the fifth issue. It is in there.
I hope this helped.