Let me tell you something.......you are looking for the easy way out. Any form of amphetamine may help you lose weight, whether it be ephedrine or a lab mix such as hydroxycut, but the bottom line is that you will put the weight right back on. Start running in the morning, right before breakfast, and you'll see the pounds melt away. The first week is going to suck, but after that it will become routine. Get on a good diet and start your way into the wonderful world of fitness!!!! You don't need a gym, your goals seem to be that you just want to look good, for that all you will need to do is run three times a week for about 35 minutes. A word to the wise:YOU SHOULDN'T BE THINKING ABOUT USING AMPHETAMINES FOR WEIGHT LOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU ARE WAY TOO YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!