new plan of attack
okay, the 1000 cals didn't last long - i felt too week and hungry (not to mention CRANKEEE

), so since Friday I've been at about 1600 calories/day. Cutting that low did help me from gaining back those 5 lbs. - I agree w/ you it probably was just water weight. I also got my bf% checked on Saturday, so now I have a much better measure to work with than the scale. Unfortunately, I was much worse off than I thought on bf. My stats are ::
age: 26
height: 5'4
weight: 125
bf: 26% (using Skyndex calipers)
so, i've got quite a bit of work ahead of me, but feel pretty confident i'll get there. here's my routine and diet :: please feel free to advise ::
Monday - AM 35-40 minute run
afternoon weights back / biceps
(3 sets of 10 -15 for each) / stomach (2 - 3 sets of 20)
Tuesday - AM 35-40 minute run
Wednesday - AM 35-40 minute run
afternoon weights chest / triceps
(3 sets of 10 -15 for each) / stomach (2 - 3 sets of 20)
Thursday - AM 35-40 minute run
Friday - AM 35-40 minute run
afternoon weights legs / shoulders
(3 sets of 10 -15 for each) / stomach (2 - 3 sets of 20)
Diet will consist of 1600 calories :: 55% protein / 40% fat / 5% carbs (w/ probably 1 weekend cheat meal) supplements being 2 daily vitamins and xenadryne.
i plan to start an anavar/clen/eca cycle after about 3 weeks of being consistent on the above. i'll also add a 4th gym day when i start the cycle.
your thoughts? i totally appreciate all your advice. i would like to get to 110 eventually, but i mostly want to see significant changes in my bf%

and am REALLY looking forward to seeing some nice strength gains with the anavar.