Gaaaaaah I've tried twice to write a comment here but they all get long-winded. Bottom line, I think its probably a fair comment that there's a lot of "Don't do drugs" here, but there's also not a lot of practical competition experience. Also some of the questions, like treil's example about tren & prop - that's like "old school" - I think you'd have to look hard to find a board where you can get some actual experience discussion on that. And its not fair to shit all over people that just dont' have anythign to say about it except the general comment that tren & prop are fairly aggressive drugs. If you have no experience w/ it, you may not have anythign valuable to add to the discussion if it just starts the judgement thing on use / not use. I think its critical to just include the caveat about diet & training first to get that detail and then second to get a feel for if this person is actually a complete noob who needs to not be looking for a shortcut. If its not, then I guess the discussion is sort of closed -- continue researching ,probably woudlnt' recommend that combination but really can't give specific info.
Judging people who do or don't include their own personal experience - reality? Women catch all sorts of shit just for lifting somethign bigger than the pink weights. Female bodybuilders catch 100x more shit just for being involved in the sport. Women using male hormones & women using controlled substances - not sure which is viewed as worse but they are both the subject of constant controversy. You feel like opening yourself up to that or not? Your call. National level competitors who have increasing exposure and may want / need to protect their personal / professional lives - you bet they are goign to not discuss it on an open forum. You don't like that? Tuff shit. Your problem. You live w/ it. I dont' think its fair to call judgement. That's my opinion. If you want to give personal info out in the open, great. Props to ya. But its no one's obligation to do so. Welcome to the dark & hypocritical world of physique focus / competition. It is bullshit on many more levels than just that, but we're still here, we're still involved, and we're still fascinated by it.
Importance of diet & training - I'd still say the preponderance of questions are just like Shadow said - not informed. On the AAS board, there is an expononentially greater base of experienced people to respond, although I know a couple of us (yes even from the women's board) still step in & caveat about diet & training. Further the advice regarding AAS doesn't translate equally to women because there are so many more non-"How do I use AAS" considerations to deal w/ before worrying about injecting or drinking the winny. So I think its critical that stuff gets addressed. And the volume of the same uninformed questoins and wrong purposes to use AAS require that here.
Blah , probably not saying anything new, but no one said there is one definitive place to get all the info you need. I think sometimes this board could be less accusatory and more supportive, but at the same time some of the discussion make you want to just bash your head on a brick wall. Its a loaded discussion so it will never be an easy one. No one can do your experiment for you, no one can get your results or your sides for you. Your decision. And its one that shoudlnt' be taken lightly, so IMO if possible, keep the discussion objective. But in most cases the general approach is appropriate -- sure go ahead & take the clen. You have the right to do it. But be aware of what to expect. Its definitely hard to not do an "I told ya so" when you come back and then ask why you can't sleep after loading clen for 4 weeks straight.
I could go on & on. ....