So I'm procrastinating taking a shower after my workout last night when I decide to stroll on over to Elite Fitness for a few. Its about midnight PST and not much was going on. Jack_schitt is posting that he's going to bed, stefka is posting how she is bored. Forum couldn't be moving any slower. Around 12:30am (3:30 EST) Sublime shows up and makes a few posts (12:31, 12:32, 12:33), then he disappears. Oddly enough about 20 minutes later healother shows up with this post (both users are logged in at this time):
When I read it I couldn't help but feel I recognized the writers style and wording. Then I thought, could it be? Would he? And the answer is yes, I think he would! So why Sublime you ask? Simple, for one, to make an alter with 4,000+ posts you need a lot of spare time on your hands. Sublime obviously has this with over 20,000 posts himself. Remember those long EF raps he conjured up? Kid definitely has some time to waste. Two, you need access to multiple computers so the IP addresses don't match. Living at home with his parents I'm sure he has access to more than one computer in the house. Three, and the one that caught my attention the most, the posting habits of the two are very similar. I don't know many people who use both the 13 year old girl texting style (Hi! How r u?) and proper English as well. Usually people will use one or the other. Take a look at some of Sublimes posts, notice the use of "u" and "you" (even in the same sentence/post), as well as words like "cuz" and "EFers" ect:
Now look at some healother posts, notice a very similar style, too similar:
So SublimeZM, I guess all we need to know now is why?