So I'm procrastinating taking a shower after my workout last night when I decide to stroll on over to Elite Fitness for a few. Its about midnight PST and not much was going on. Jack_schitt is posting that he's going to bed, stefka is posting how she is bored. Forum couldn't be moving any slower. Around 12:30am (3:30 EST) Sublime shows up and makes a few posts (12:31, 12:32, 12:33), then he disappears. Oddly enough about 20 minutes later healother shows up with this post (both users are logged in at this time):
When I read it I couldn't help but feel I recognized the writers style and wording. Then I thought, could it be? Would he? And the answer is yes, I think he would! So why Sublime you ask? Simple, for one, to make an alter with 4,000+ posts you need a lot of spare time on your hands. Sublime obviously has this with over 20,000 posts himself. Remember those long EF raps he conjured up? Kid definitely has some time to waste. Two, you need access to multiple computers so the IP addresses don't match. Living at home with his parents I'm sure he has access to more than one computer in the house. Three, and the one that caught my attention the most, the posting habits of the two are very similar. I don't know many people who use both the 13 year old girl texting style (Hi! How r u?) and proper English as well. Usually people will use one or the other. Take a look at some of Sublimes posts, notice the use of "u" and "you" (even in the same sentence/post), as well as words like "cuz" and "EFers" ect:
Now look at some healother posts, notice a very similar style, too similar:
So SublimeZM, I guess all we need to know now is why?
healother said:I was trying really hard to contain it, but its tough cuz everyone there was completely stuck up!
I tried hitting on probably close to 30 women, and got 1 girl to dance with me. someone else got a girl to dance with me for like 10 seconds by begging her to but that doesnt count. the first girl danced with me for like a minute then stopped and was like ok im done, and then wouldnt dance with me for the
rest of the night.
no one at the club gives a shit about what kind of time you're having, except for that one dude that tried to help me.
This guy who can really dance good, who happens to be black, I kept on trying to say hi to him, I coincidentally have bumped into him at like 3 dif clubs now, but everytime i even look at him he blows me off and looks or walks the other way.
I got so pissed that I started calling girls bitches as I was walking away (most of the time they didnt hear me though) or saying "what the fuck" after they blew me off.
This one girl wouldnt dance with me but she danced with an acquaintence of mine that I saw at the club, and I asked her afterwards why she didnt dance with me and she just faced her female friend and her friend said "shes my baby". I said "thats cool, im just trying to be friendly, im not a threat". they said "just leave"
I said "you 2 leave, why should i have to leave" they said "just go" . I said "you 2 are fucking bitches, get the fuck out of here" and they sighed and looked the other way.
I was so pissed I just walked away. I'm surprised I didnt throw a fit tonight, I was trying really hard to stay calm, but it sucks so much to see women reject you and then slut themselves to another man. Just about every man was dancing with women as the club was closing and getting numbers. I was the freak dancing around alone.
I know rejection shouldnt bother me, but it does, and ive been going out there and trying to get practice so that it doesnt affect me as much, but I tell you I'm afraid one of these days I'm going to snap and get in trouble.
I just hate how I work my ass off to be in good shape, and these women dont even give a damn or try to even help me learn what to do better.
and thread crappers get the fuck out of here.
When I read it I couldn't help but feel I recognized the writers style and wording. Then I thought, could it be? Would he? And the answer is yes, I think he would! So why Sublime you ask? Simple, for one, to make an alter with 4,000+ posts you need a lot of spare time on your hands. Sublime obviously has this with over 20,000 posts himself. Remember those long EF raps he conjured up? Kid definitely has some time to waste. Two, you need access to multiple computers so the IP addresses don't match. Living at home with his parents I'm sure he has access to more than one computer in the house. Three, and the one that caught my attention the most, the posting habits of the two are very similar. I don't know many people who use both the 13 year old girl texting style (Hi! How r u?) and proper English as well. Usually people will use one or the other. Take a look at some of Sublimes posts, notice the use of "u" and "you" (even in the same sentence/post), as well as words like "cuz" and "EFers" ect:
SublimeZM said:he means when you tried to clown up your fauxdaughter cuz she was fat and everyone made fun of her, then u called the older one a slut
SublimeZM said:if you actually care about being sick, instead of being a girly girl and crying about what other people do, you should try washing your hands before you eat or touch things that are going into your mouth, or in your case, anus.
SublimeZM said:wow you are weak as fuck how do u look so jacked and good
SublimeZM said:wow ur lucky u go to the same gym as AAP? fucking crazy i wonder if any EFers go to my gym.
SublimeZM said:cool but have u read his posts and flames? funny guy, funnier than u, but maybe not as swole, he should post up
SublimeZM said:i have years worth of logged training you can look through also, with dates on them, to give u an idea
SublimeZM said:wtf, it smells really good. if i smell weed and its not mine i get a headache so bad not cause i dont like it but cuz i want it so badly
SublimeZM said:lota peeps getting tats of their sons. what happens if u guys get a devorce? or you have a better son
SublimeZM said:plus what if u fall for a girl that ur best friend used to tell you about all the "freaky shit" they did, lolol
SublimeZM said:exactly, if worse comes to worser say you didnt even know it was them (if for some reason they catch you).
be like "we heard u yelling and speeding towards us and got scared u were a robber or something".
Now look at some healother posts, notice a very similar style, too similar:
healother said:I was trying really hard to contain it, but its tough cuz everyone there was completely stuck up!
This one girl wouldnt dance with me but she danced with an acquaintence of mine that I saw at the club, and I asked her afterwards why she didnt dance with me and she just faced her female friend and her friend said "shes my baby". I said "thats cool, im just trying to be friendly, im not a threat". they said "just leave"
I said "you 2 leave, why should i have to leave" they said "just go" . I said "you 2 are fucking bitches, get the fuck out of here" and they sighed and looked the other way.
healother said:Alright everyone, I waited a few days, and then called her and left her this message, this will be my last time trying to contact her:
"Hey Lori, its Steve, I haven’t talked to you in a few days. I’m sorry if what I said bothered you the last time we talked, I know I may have come off as rude and unaccepting of the way you are, and I don’t mean to be that way. And I’m sorry about being intrusive and rude in some of our other conversations. Anyways, I to hope hear from soon, later. "
your a cool dude grumpy, but uhave no idea what you're talking about
healother said:golden, the reason u score women isnt just because you read all the manuals on the internet about the "mystery method"
ive heard other EFers say that you are a goodlooking guy, and it sounds like u probably are, which might explain why you are having success.
healother said:sent in response to the troll girl i dated for 3 weeks, cuz she texted me "i miss you" (this was after we broke up)
healother said:when will u ever learn to stop the drama?
you feed these people. just stop and they will stop.
healother said:some people say the same about the workplace. I've realized its funny cuz sometimes the places that are sanctuaries or the places we are around the most are the places we get to know people the best.
healother said:Have you ever been talking to someone on IM either that you know from life or met on an online dating site, or myspace or something, and they talk to you on IM a little, but not really enough?
What is the secret with these women? I've been told sometimes if u talk to them less, the more they'll want you. I've tried that tactic and it hasn't worked. I dont know how to sound interested and talk to someone when they arent writing back much to begin with.
healother said:I've tried this before, and its sorta worked actually. I find that when you are both on the elliptical at the same time, and not too tired (like if u just started working out) its a pretty good opportunity. Of course most of the time its very difficult to get the balls to approach them because they might get pissed off that u approached them.
But if she has headphones on, that really complicates things, cuz you don't know why she has those headphones on.
Question for yall:
The other day I was biking around the lake, and I saw an absolutely amazing girl jogging and wearing headphones. How do I approach her? I'd probably have to be running and come up along side her I'm sure, but when you are jogging outside are things any different than from the gym, or is it the same principle?
So SublimeZM, I guess all we need to know now is why?