butler monkey
SSAlexSS said:
Well what i meant is.
1) Overtraining decreases your test levels, right?
2)How ever your body gets used to less test so it becomes more receptive to it. That is how a guy with lower test levels can be muscular, his body is efficient at utilization of test.
3)Doing less intensive workout stops overtraining and test levels rise back up.
4)Your body is still efficient at converting test to muscle (for a limited time) so in effect you got additional growth due to better/more testestorone in your body.
It is like injecting yourself with mild anabolics.
To address your points:
1) You tell have all of the answers.
2) That must be why all top sportsmen and bodybuilders are clean.......never touched a pill or been near a needle in their lives. Thats why top bodybuilders never come off cycle right??
3) According to your theory yes.
4) Test is not converted to muscle.