I also would love to have a wider chest with more muscle on the outside, so I switched my routine up. The routine that I'm doing is Orville Burkes in Marches Flex Mag. He swears that by doing more stretching DB movements you can actually square out your chest more. His workout basically resolves around stretching the muscle as much as possible using DB's. Both incline and flat. He says after a while he stopped doing flys and his chest wasn't as wide and broad. Take it for what it's worth, but just figured some of you would like to see it:
Incline Barbell Presses* 3x8-10
Incline DB Presses 3x8-10
Incline DB Flys 3x8-10
Flat DB Flys 3x8-10
Flat DB Presses 3x8-10
*Just a warmup exercise to get blood flowing. Not done to failure.
I've only done it twice, but it deffiantly gives you a good pump.