I swear there's a lost cock in my yard - well not just my yard - he just likes start his morning there. He seems to roam about - poor fella must be lost and looking for his chickies.
If he keeps waking me up - I will be forced to eat him.
I swear there's a lost cock in my yard - well not just my yard - he just likes start his morning there. He seems to roam about - poor fella must be lost and looking for his chickies.
If he keeps waking me up - I will be forced to eat him.
I swear there's a lost cock in my yard - well not just my yard - he just likes start his morning there. He seems to roam about - poor fella must be lost and looking for his chickies.
If he keeps waking me up - I will be forced to eat him.
I ate a big cawk this morning. It was more than I could handle. Anyone in the area hungry for cawk? I have a lot of cawk on my hands and inside of me and this cawk will not last.