Ditto what Bunz said...I think, in some way, we have all done the battle with the emotional/personal stress and training--i.other words, how to really focus, channel that stress, that emotion into force for working out, instead of letting it consume you and deter you from doing so. Key is to positively reinforce how good it does finally feel when you do get there to train, eat right, and kick ass over a slumping feeling..when you beat the urge to crawl in bed and eat like shit cuz you feel horrible...Even a shitty workout can make you feel better just because you were THERE, you know??
I struggled for a long time, mentally and physically (with my weight) to train my mind to block shit out and just get to the gym...even if I was crying in the car on the way home..some days, I just sat in my car trying to get the drive to go inside..
Sorry, for the long post..what I mean to convey here is that I have been there, and I am here everyone logging on here is an effort in and of itself...everything will come around..The good is all around you..the bad is not all there is...Lots of love...