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Re: Bodybuilding Routines: Post Your Bodybuilding Training For Help With A New Routin
I think it's on Madcow's site...look up the 5x5 stuff it's in there. Basically light weight. 4 sets of 25 reps? of clean or clean n press. You need to use a fairly light weight as there is only 30 seconds rest between sets. I dont' remember fully it might have been 10 sets. Each rep controlled. Check out the links on Madcow did anyone else find this? Search here to Clean Cardio or Cardio Cleans
I think it's on Madcow's site...look up the 5x5 stuff it's in there. Basically light weight. 4 sets of 25 reps? of clean or clean n press. You need to use a fairly light weight as there is only 30 seconds rest between sets. I dont' remember fully it might have been 10 sets. Each rep controlled. Check out the links on Madcow did anyone else find this? Search here to Clean Cardio or Cardio Cleans