Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n
I'll admit that I stopped reading the thread at page 20, so maybe this was answered specifically somewhere in the next 100 pages...
Anyway, 32 YO 5'10" 147lbs ~10%BF former fatty (like 325+ 7 years ago) who finally wised up and lost the extra baggage. Did the fat thing for a while, getting a bit sick of the skinny thing, so now I figure I'd try for the trifecta and try for the strong thing. I'd been moving weights around for the past few years but no real plan and thus no progress other than some toning. I started getting more serious about it around two months ago where I started RIppetoe's Starting Strength program (more correctly, the version that subs the rows for the cleans) and have put on 6lbs (all lean, as far as I can tell) and have significantly increased all of my lifts. I probably could have put on more mass, but being a former fatty I am still somewhat calorie-phobic and admittedly probably haven't eaten enough to get all I could out of the work.
Anyway, I'm still progressing on the SS program, but am starting to plan what comes next and this seems like a good candidate. My main question is in regards to the "ramp up" sets detailed in the program vs. standard warmups. It seems like most programs (including the SS program I was on) assume the warmups and don't really make it part of the formal program. But the ramping up specified here pretty much seems like the standard warmups I've been doing - and as such, despite being called a 5x5, the actual volume seems lower than SS. Is this correct? I.e., my current squat for SS would look something like this:
Bar - 1x5 (warmup)
115 - 1x5 (warmup)
155 - 1x5 (warmup)
185 - 1x3 (warmup)
205 - 3x5 (work)
It sounds like this would translate into the intermediate 5x5 Monday as something like:
Bar - 1x5 (warmup)
115 - 1x5
145 - 1x5
165 - 1x5
185 - 1x5
205 - 1x5
Is this right? Although I suppose the top 1x5 probably would be heavier than my 3x5 under SS at all the same weight.
Second, just so I'm sure about the Friday routine - does "First 4 sets are the same as Monday's" mean Monday's top 1x5? Or does it follow the first 4 ramp up sets - i.e.:
Bar - 1x5 (warmup)
115 - 1x5
145 - 1x5
165 - 1x5
185 - 1x5
210 - 1x3
165 - 1x8
Thanks in advance.