Hey all
I did madcows 5x5 for 11 weeks about 2 months ago. I stopped because of overuse of the knee but my lifts were going up. Knees started to crack, started walking funny and I had to stop.
I know everyone says not to mess with the program but....
I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding replacing Wednesday Squats with a 1x20 or 2x20 set of lunges or other unilateral leg work. I figure high volume will be good for recovery and growth and won't tax central nervous system.
Any other ideas for wednesdays squat are appreciated.
My knees really couldn't take squatting 3 days a week but I really did make progress on the lifts and I am eager to start back up again.
Secondly, if doing another cycle of 5x5 where do i begin? Do I start with 4 weeks buildup or can I shorten that? I have been lifting( all the compounds) since then but not 5x5 style
not sure if it helps but
clean 175x5
Bench 85x5(dumbells)