you do 12 sets 6 times per week for calves, thats 72 sets all to failure per week? lol
Im using arnolds philosophy on calves. They need more work then any other muscle so i will give them more work then any other muscle until they are up to par with the rest of the body, then maybe i will stick to 2 times per week. blah, blah. blah, overtraining, blah blah.......your calves get worked every day you walk. 3 sets of seated calf raises arent gonna work. fat people and heavy people 200 plus, have big calves because they walk around putting more stress on the calves, therefore, their calves are bigger.
i like to stay around 10-12 for standing and donkey raises, and 15 reps for seated. i also double bounce so i start with my heals as low to the floor as possible, i push up with the ball of my foot, and i double bounce it to as high as i can go. thats 1 rep.