K killa in manila New member May 27, 2003 #11 killa in manila said: i was doing standing db shoulder press with my back arched and i really hert my back couldnt move for a day. Click to expand... i meant hurt not hert. sooo stupid .
killa in manila said: i was doing standing db shoulder press with my back arched and i really hert my back couldnt move for a day. Click to expand... i meant hurt not hert. sooo stupid .
Lord_Suston New member May 27, 2003 #12 seated, Iam there to work my delts not balance the bar and hurt my lower back, for that I do clean and jerks
seated, Iam there to work my delts not balance the bar and hurt my lower back, for that I do clean and jerks
S slobberknocker Guest May 27, 2003 #13 Standing. I am there to balance the bar and hurt my lower back.
Lord_Suston New member May 27, 2003 #14 slobberknocker said: Standing. I am there to balance the bar and hurt my lower back. Click to expand... to easy to use one's leg to drive the bar up, right now I am trying to really strengthen my delts
slobberknocker said: Standing. I am there to balance the bar and hurt my lower back. Click to expand... to easy to use one's leg to drive the bar up, right now I am trying to really strengthen my delts
gonelifting Elite Mentur EF VIP May 27, 2003 #15 jerkbox said: seated.....but every military press station has the bar racked behind the lifter....it should be in front of the lifter if you ask me.... the one at my station has safety bars there, so i start from those.... Click to expand... I think the design was for a spotter assisted shoulder press. I do my presses on a (almost) 90 degree bench to support my lower back. w dumbells My upper back does not move or sway... nothing. All delts.
jerkbox said: seated.....but every military press station has the bar racked behind the lifter....it should be in front of the lifter if you ask me.... the one at my station has safety bars there, so i start from those.... Click to expand... I think the design was for a spotter assisted shoulder press. I do my presses on a (almost) 90 degree bench to support my lower back. w dumbells My upper back does not move or sway... nothing. All delts.
Backlash New member May 28, 2003 #16 My gym has 2 nice shoulder press seats, with the barbell racked in front of you. Only problem is that the highest pegs are still chest-level for me, so getting the first one up sucks hardcore.
My gym has 2 nice shoulder press seats, with the barbell racked in front of you. Only problem is that the highest pegs are still chest-level for me, so getting the first one up sucks hardcore.