You should eat several smaller meals a day instead of one large meal. Your body can only process so many carbs and protein at once. Eating a large meal will likely turn to fat.
Postworkout meal should be the following:
Carbs: 0.6-1.0 grams per lean body weight (30-40% should be from fruit juice such as pineapple or grape juice or you can eat a banana. The rest of the carbs should be from Dextrose or Maltodrexin. For example: 200 lbs at 10% BF would be 180 lbs lean body mass. Take 180 x the ratio above to equal the amount of grams per carbs.
Protein: 0.6 grams per lean body weight
Glutamine: .44 grams per lean body weight
For night meals, drink a protein blend (isolate, caseine, egg) shake and maybe 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter. This is to fight catabolism of muscles at night.
Upon waking, drink protein shake.
You can have a protein shake in afternoon, but in between use tuna, chicken, salmon, fish, turkey, etc.
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