after i do my leg workout, i finish it off with about 150 walking lunges (no weight) legs usually feel like spaghetti and burn to no end...i can barely walk for two days these build muscle or is it kind of a form of cardio...just specific to the legs and butt?? just curious
Reverse deep lunges on a smith machine and deep squats. When you break parallel on a squat, you really increase the activity of the glutes. Full squats (45 degree) will do it.
after i do my leg workout, i finish it off with about 150 walking lunges (no weight) legs usually feel like spaghetti and burn to no end...i can barely walk for two days these build muscle or is it kind of a form of cardio...just specific to the legs and butt?? just curious
I feel that it builds the glutes and if your heart rate is up it will burn some fat also depends on if you use weights with it or not.
I do walking lunges across a studio and back holding 45 lbs bumdbells and I make sure my knee is as close to the ground without touching the floor. I feel it most in my glutes and rectus femorus muscles.
The reason why I think WALKING lunges are better for glutes is because of the thrusting forward on each step is a full range of motion for the glutius muslces.
In the pocket usually results in excessive torque on the knees and/or the back particularly when you're less than 90 degrees, have to sit back with a little wider stance.
Rectus femoris or biceps femoris? The rectus femoris is best recruited with sissy squats of lying leg extensions when the hip is at 180 degrees.
In the pocket usually results in excessive torque on the knees and/or the back particularly when you're less than 90 degrees, have to sit back with a little wider stance.
Rectus femoris or biceps femoris? The rectus femoris is best recruited with sissy squats of lying leg extensions when the hip is at 180 degrees.