VeggieLifterChick said:
Was this your first cycle HBG? Incredible results! You look amazing in your before to begin with, just wondering if the before is entirely natural.
yes this was my very first cycel! And my before pics are TOTALLY natuarl! I worked very hard to look like i did in the before and i worked extra hard to look as i do now.
My before pics, i think i was just Skinny lean, if that makes sense. I am happy with the results i have gotten. I feel in the before pics,, i could not get any leaner, so i really had nowere else to go, so that is why i chose AS.
While yours or someone else's may just to tone up a bit or just lose weight,
Whatever ur goals maybe, as long as u reach them, u should be happy
Thank you all for the wonderful replies.
Debu i would love to see pics of you and anyone else that has made gains. While yours or someone elses may just
We all have differnt goals, mine is to be a fittnes chick one day!!!!