And I got my first Depo shot today, luckly I work at a teen clinic so the Dr said if the side effects are REALLY bad she will give me regular oc's to counteract them, but serious it takes two shots to get the FULL effects of the Depo through the entire system.
You too, Ceebs! Have you started the Centroman yet? I either start my period next week or the week after (haven't been very consistent), so I'm still waiting...
I am PMSing really bad too! My husband and I are waiting to have kids. Waiting for what? I don’t know? What makes things tricky, I cannot take birth control pills or anything with estrogen because of a blood disorder I have. It also makes for a complicated pregnancy. If I were to get pregnant I would have to have daily injections. That doesn’t sound too appealing to me. Besides I am still having too much fun, why ruin it with kids?
I've had really bad experiences with about the period from hell...try like 18 months of some kind of bleeding...ongoing suffering! AAAHHHHHhhh! I tried to balence it out with the oral version of Depo from my physician, but that didn't work. Then I tried the pill again...didn't work! I got so frustrated taht I finally quit everything and let my body recoup on it's own...
My body finally started to cylce on a reasonably regular schedule after about 2 1/2 years. I'd be very wary and do a lot of research before shooting that shit in my body if I were you...oops, too late.
My $0.02 worth---can you tell I don't like Depo at all?!
I use Mercet BC pill, it is a low Estrogen pill. I'm always deathly afraid of gaining alot of weight from those damn pills, cause it has happend it the past with Ortho.
The shot, almost always cause problems with weight and depression.
I say stick to your same pills. When you take your body off one pill and on to another you most likely WILL have a weird effect.
I ALWAYS have had my period for 7 FULL GLORIOUS DAYS.. So i'm never missing much
If you like, ask your doctor about Mercet as a option for you, Since i started taking it 3 years ago, no side effects and, no weight gain, and no more cramps!