Okay...well...this is the problem. Since this is my first show, I have no clue as to a good cutting down diet. I was hoping to get some help with that.
I am 20, 5'6", 165 lbs as of now. I wanted to compete somewhere between 135 and 140. I hope this is possible. I have been told that my shoulders, tris, and bis are lacking, so I plan on knocking those workout areas up a bit so I can gain some good mass on them. My show is in Sept. I have 6 months to do this. Right now I have been doing cardio 5 times a week for 30 minutes. I try to get cardio done in the mornings on an empty stomach, but because of school I can't get in there as much as I'd like. So, I usually end up doing cardio at the end of my workout.
I want a strict diet because I am anxious to see how my body will react to it.
AJD- I don't want to use steroids right now...if ever. I know that may sound crazy, but I put on size easily and I am scared as to what those things might do to me.

I was going to diet for 16 weeks. I don't have much experience and I am training by myself.
Help me out!!!! I need a great diet and some advice on cardio. If the info that I have provided is not enough...let me know and I will be glad to include some more. Thank you all for your help!