Yeah, I hear that. They all work. I've done all three.
DC - Was working great, love the short workouts, strength increasing, didn't give it enough time to see size (started it at the wrong time - too close to Spring Break), felt some stress on my cuffs sometimes with the heavy negatives, but that's not too big an issue, because it was only sometimes.
5x5 - Very long workouts usually, especially compared to DC. I think I may have made the best gains in my chest using this routine with inclines though. Alot of volume too. Not sure 'bout this when I really look at it.
Basic 3x8 - Sort of old-school, not sure how potent it is compared to the other two. Can't really say much else about it.
My main focus is my arms. They don't seem to grow much with anything. What I was thinking is - maybe it's because they aren't stimulated enough. DC I didn't give enough time to see, and 5x5 was only once a week. The biceps and triceps (biceps especially) are a small muscle group, correct? Which would probably mean they recover more quickly than the others. Perhaps I could make a hybrid routine and use something like the 5x5 for my chest ('cuz that seemed to work) and basic 3x8 for my bis/tris twice a week for more stimulation?
Not really sure what I should do. I've stuck with basic movements, and have eaten pretty well in the past few months. What to do, what to do...