Thanks bro I have a pretty good relationship with my ortho since I pretty much lived there
when I was fighting. I need to go ahead and make an appointment.
Slacking a little. I did back and shoulders yesterday but forogt to log it. I dont know whats up with me deads latley. I just dont have the pop to get up the first one. I think my form has gone to shit or something. I had a pretty decent workout. Deff not getting the pumps I was and miss that hard feeling. Ill try to remember this stuff off the top of my head.
Wide lat pull downs
160 x 12 warm up
160 x 12 warm up
235 x 8
250 x 6
264 x 4
DB Military press
60 x 12 warm up
90 x 11
100 x 6
100 x 5
70 x 5 arnolds
Dead lifts
225 x 10
315 x 5
435 x 5
455 x 4
475 x 2
So the gym was closing because my gym is lame and only stays open till 4 and 1 in the summer on the weekends. So these rows and shrugs were super set with pretty much no rest then went right to the side raised and bang them out
Think I am a little more then a week into pct weighed in today and was 223 so I am only down a pound. Did chest today. Had a good workout. Lost a tiny but of strength but not much. So far so good hopefully I can keep that up. I called up my ortho about my hips and he is out of town probably try to set up an appointment for next week.
135 x 12
135 x 12
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 3 was at 4
335 x 2 second rep was hard
345 x 1
365 just missed it prob could have got it if it weren't for all the working sets
DB Incline. These felt really good
110 x 10
110 x 9
110 x 6 paused at the bottom super slow deep and smooth
110 x 4 same thing
Leg day. Today was alot better. Havent solved my squat problem yet and it doesnt look like I will be able to see my ortho till the end of next week. I did have a good workout though. I did box squats. This time though I went all the way down to a seated position and the wieght left my feet. I liked these alot. If things dont get better they will prob be what I stick with.
Box Squats
135 x 12
225 x 12
315 x 12
405 x 5
405 x 5
405 x 5
Calf Raises
Stack x 12
Stack x 12
Stack x 12
Stack x 12
Stack x 12
Extensions- killed these today felt super light
Stack x 14
Stack +7.5 x 12
Stack +15 x 12
Stack + 15 x 10
Dropset 185 x 10
Dropset 140 x 6
nice. I got half a bottle of forma that im not using, idk why, i think its because im also on clomid, hcgenerate, unleashed, post cycle, and sustain alpha lol