Sbt: Thanks a bunch!
CK: Thanks for showing me that photobucket thingy. I didn't know you couldn't see my pics. Hopefully, we can help each other out in this whole comp prep. I know I still have a lot to learn.
Bunny: thanks for the feedback!
I wasn't quite comfortable w/ a full ass shot yet. I do have quite a bit of fat still on the glutes. I'll have to check w/ Sassy on those tips you mentioned. Hams I think are a strong point. My quads are just now starting to cut. I guess that's the case w/ most women's legs though...always the last to go.
The whole bb vs. figure had me a bit confused. From the local shows that I've been to, it seems like I'd have to much muscle for fig, like the judges frown upon that...but I do wonder if I'm "big" enough for bb. My goals for my physique are more like the figure girls at the pro level...which seem to match the lightweight bb girls at the amateur level. Does that make sense?