B1 W4 – Squat Emphasis
Front Squats (these were tough)
145x5 (feels heavy just putting it on my shoulders, and it didn’t last week when I did 5x2.. definitely fatigued from work)
- Note: some reps were not the best quality. From the fatigue my elbows would drop a little forcing me to bend a tad forward, I really have to work on keeping my elbows up no matter what, usually don’t have much of this problem
165x4 (grip was brutal, it would slip and feels like it was ripping my hands)
- At the end of this, I could hardly touch my hands it felt like my skin was torn apart, damn its hard to hold the bar long
Cable Pullthroughs
70x9x4 (not that tough, but still got tiring)
Grip Training
3 10lb plates
30sec, 30sec, 10sec (bad pick up of plates), 30sec
Well, here is the news...
I get to the gym and do my usually mobility drills in a room no one goes to downstairs. I am approached by a personal trainer who works there, and she was holding some pamphlet thingy. She somehow hunted me down, and she asks me my name, which she already knew and she tells me I can’t do this... She says I cannot bring my camera to the gym anymore and record anything due to the privacy of others and confidentiality or some stupid shit like that... if I am seen with a camera or cellphone recording I will get into serious trouble, possibly lose my membership (my guess). So she just explains stupid shit to me, and tells me well thats what we have personal trainers for, is to look at my form. I didn’t say it, but few months ago one of the dumbass personal trainers told me I was doing squats wrong, when I was going deep, he said thats bad for my knees and told me to only quarter squat, or just parallel.... I told him that its bad for your knees to do that and that it doesn’t target muscles or something along those lines is what I said. He replies that I won’t build much muscle right now, so why bother and that im going to ruin my knees. Ofc I listened to his shit to be polite, and kept on doing my squats my way.
So basically, I can’t record ANYTHNG I do, and I can’t live without recording my lifts =( especially as a beginner. Either I find a new gym, WHICH we only have 2 other gyms to choose from where I live. One is out of the question, they put you on a 1 year contract. And the other I am seriously considering, apparently the Ontario powerlifting team trains there, so it might be good to go there cause they don’t give a shit if you drop weights or w/e (from what I hear)...
Not sure WHAT THE FUCK to do, I really need to record my lifts, and NOW especially since andalite has thrown in some new stuff to my second block, I am so fucking pissed off at my gym. No idea what im going to do.
And I really don’t want to switch because all my friends go to the Y, nobody goes to Goodlife (where Ontario team trains). It would suck, I am not sure what to do anymore fuck.