Elite Bodybuilder
Do you suggest getting a notebook? I normally type stuff into my ipod touch, then write it in a microsoft word, and put it on here, then the blog =D
Get a notebook.
The best way to go about recording your workouts is by creating columns.
So, create four columns per page. These are your weeks 1-4.
Then, write your exercises as you do them within each column separately. This is just so you are not restricted on writing down your thoughts.
im just reading the Overhead Squat article on Gustrength right now.
My gym doesn't have any brooms to use, but we have these bars that weigh from 2-12lbs, they are just normally a bit padded, and would work great i think for OHS. Would they work?
Like a beauty..
Front Squats, i do another 3x3 like i did on Monday? Or do i do different weight this time?
Yup. Just add weight. A little bit of weight.
For grip training, forgot to mention this. We really have nothing. Just dumbells, barbells, a trap bar, thats all i know of that i could use for a farmers walk. I won't be able to walk around with anything though, not even the trap bar, so should i load up weight on it and see how long i can hold it for?
Plate Pinches. Static holds for time sounds good too. Let me see....for now, do plate pinches. Stick with that for 4 weeks. We'll add an exercise at that time.
One other thing, if i took out Dynamic Rows, would you replace them with anything or no? Just curious.
I would definitely replace them and I would replace them with inverted rows.
It was really good, but really damn confusing. I get the picture of what im suppose to do. Should i start with the Deep Squat Progression first, then go into the OH Squat against the wall?
They run concurrently on separate days. On Squat Emphasis day, focus on the Deep Squat Progression.
On the Full Body Emphasis day, do the OH Squats against the wall. Build up to it like it describes in the article.
I hope i can record them, there is a spot in the gym that no one uses so i'll try to squat there and record them so you can see.
That would be cool. Remember the form.
Pull the Bar apart. Let it be directly over your head when you begin. It will go behind as per your body mechanics. Keep pulling the bar apart. Lock your elbows. Head up and look ahead. You might need to bring your feet in a little bit and spread your legs out. At the bottom position, try doing a stretch towards the ceiling like you would when you wake up in the morning. Try to hang in that bottom position for a little bit.