HEY! So i was refered here by Ghede and I'm loving the site- drive by fitness and nutrition info! I'm totally open to all comments, suggestions, etc. I'm a newbie and have a lot to learn. I started training this summer and I was about 144lbs with 29% bf!! Current stats: height- 5'8, weight 148-150lbs, bf% 17-18. My goal is to get down to a 13% bf and to be able to run a 6min mile by August 1st 2006. I follow a strick carb cycling diet (low (5 days)- 30gCarbs, 80gFats, 190gProteins, med(1 day)- 115gC, 60gF, 200gProtein, and my high day is free to keep my sanity) I love training, currently 5x p/week with 2 free days switching off from heavy and dynamic abs every other day:
monday- back and bi's 45 min heavy cardio
wed- chest/tris/bis HIIT
thurs-Legs/back/shoulders heavy cardio or HIIT
Fri- free
Sat- Legs/shoulders recovery cardio (squat max day)
sun-yoga, chest and tris, HIIT
My supplements are 3 sesapure p/day, 12 green tea p/day, 1-2 glucorrel w/ every meal, flax seed oil caps, omega 3 fish oil caps, chromium, a multiple, and calcium.
Any words of wisedom would be welcomed! Thanks