I'm Natural and have been for all the years I've worked out and I will continue down the path of "Natural". However, I don't have much problem with those who want to use "Steroids". Since Bodybuilding is about building a Great Physique and Putting on Mass, I don't see a problem there. What does IRK me is when some Bodybuilder who's been using "Steroids", tries to inform some naive beginner that he has this weightlifting routine that really packs on the muscle and he also eats alot of protein (like peanut butter) and that's it,.....that's how he's getting big. I know some products are illegal and it's probably not smart to tell people your using but don't go around decieving people either. Personally I think steroids should be legal and the consumer informed about there risk,...after that, it's up to the buyer, but we all know how intrusive the Govt. can be in our desire to make Personal Choices.