I was on and now that I am off I am l wishing I was still on. I miss being on gear. The sex, the strength, the muscles man I hate being natural. I won't be natural in 6 more weeks though.
It is just an illusion being addicted to gear. I have taken gear and I am not addicted to it, I don't have to have it to continue on with my daily life. It just shows that if you are addicted to gear, you are weaked willed. Not to offend anyone on the board or anything. I have done a cycle and plan on doing one more, and I will be happy after my 2nd cycle. I will be done and will not touch another steroid for the rest of my life. At that point I will have other things to worry about (marriage, a kid, ect.).
I've done two cycles and the results were fine but not spectacular. It is harder to build mass on 6' 5" for most people.
I'm going to go natural for a while and expect to make some further gains though at a slower rate.
I'll do a 12 week cycle that ends with Spring Break...I want to have a lot of fun on the beach.
I could quit easily then but I bought in volume and have a supply.
Too risky to sell it so I'll use it myself.
Nut shrinkage happens but they bounce back after a couple weeks if your cycle was of normal length: 8-12 weeks. Guys mess up their nuts by staying on cycle for long periods. A lot of competitors never go off. Then their nuts don't work after a while.
Stupid yes...maybe we don't want someone that stupid to contribute to our gene pool.
SEX:Well see I am in my late 30s and testosterone is one of the best sex compounds there is. So I get hard like when I was 18 and I screwed for hours and I was always horny.
STRENGTH: You can lift heavier quickly once the test gets in your system. It is cool doing heavier weight and passing up natural dudes like there is no tomorrow.
MUSCLES: When you see your frame take a dramatic increase in size in 8 weeks that would take you over a year or longer naturally is a heck of a rush to.
Btw I am not addicted to gear. I plan my cycles very carefully and never plan on doing more than 2 cycles a year. But it is fun being on.
It's hard to explain. But whenever people stop to watch you do a set, it's not a bad feeling. Most of the time you feel like you can take on the world...
It's hard to explain. But whenever people stop to watch you do a set, it's not a bad feeling. Most of the time you feel like you can take on the world...