New member
I think you've approached it from the wrong angle. Men that I think of that are "metrosexual" (which I prefer over non-metrosexual) are very handsome, charismatic, good with the ladies. Metrosexual and gay are not synonyms.
If you had said - do you think he's gay because he doesn't want to have sex but he's X and X and Y? - that might've made a little more sense. Picking on a fashionable (and passionate?) sexy man that isn't here to defend himself...
well, that's gAE?
There are really 3 parts to this topic.
1- How I read into a gayish/metrosexual profile. He had to go back to the mall btw to get a $70 pair of jeans he liked at Banana Republic- missed that one. Yes, he's not here to defend himself.
2- My joke was just a joke and she's taking it too seriously.
3- Why is HE offended? That's gay.