ManOfArms said:Every girl I ever dated including all my girlfriend have admitted attraction to other women... And I don't just mean fantasys, but have either been with another female or would want to... what the fuck!
In my opinion, sexuality is like other things, it has different levels. Some people like basketball, some people don't. Some people like fishing, some people don't. Some people think about being with someone of the same sex, some people rarely ever do. I'm personally like this: I'm gay, but I personally wouldn't mind being with another woman. In fact, I've done it before. However, at the same time, I rarely EVER think about being with a woman, it's mostly guys that I think about. To put it in percentage, I'd say 98% toward guys and that small other percentage (probably actually smaller) might go to thinking about a woman, a dog or a cat (ha - not really the dog or cat).
Some people will say that all people are bisexual. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with this. I think that most (if not all) of us COULD have a nice sexual experience with either sex, but that's not necessarily what we desire and so why bother. I believe that sexuality is defined by many things - genetics, religion, upbringing, society, etc.
Just my opinion on the subject. I've been wrong before.