F'n thread rocks!!!
road kill- gonna do a 4 week bridge- low dose dbal first thing in the mporning w/ .25mg arimidex ED.
jacob- I belive in the powerlung. Been using it for 6 months. Builds your respitory muscles.
I like 1 shot 1,000mcgs of b12 once a week. boosts rbc's.
ciwuja extract in endurox is just siberian ginseng. I like the endurox drink!
still on my recovery cycle, did 4 weeks hcg W/ nolva and now on cyclofenil w/ nolva. horny & happy. oh with a little gh 2i.u's a day.
how could i forget that, trying to figure if gh is good or not gained muscle tho, tryinhg to get down to 170-175, 183 an lookin NOT like a cyclist
You guys here about the next generation EPO, drug called NESP? do a search with cycling & nesp
peace "whats up with you guys"?