gave that phytin stuff a try this past weekend on a group ride (4 hrs.) on sat. I felt pretty damn good. If it was the phytin that was making me feel good at the end of the ride when everyone else was dropping like flies, it doesn't kick in for a few hours. I took mine about 1.15 hrs before the ride began with breakfast and I only took .5 the dosage (2 instead of 4). I guess it's worth it because you get a lot of stuff. Wasn't sore at all the next day either... the ride was fast and hilly. Also, lifted weights real hard night before ride.
Btw, i also just found out i had disentary, my doc. put me on cipro and sent me on my way... i hope that didn't throw off my positive results. Also, i don't think these work for everyone, a friend used to use the same stuff and he said it didn't do a damn thing...
keep posting ya'll